With a view to promote the ideals of World Unity and World Peace across the globe, PMGS organizes Peace Congresses in the form of 28 international events. Every PMGS event starts with a prayer for peace in the world. Although these events are organized on a variety of subjects like Geography, History, English language, Computer Science, Science and Technology, and Sports, the central idea behind organizing all these events remains development of cultural understanding and promotion of peaceful co-existence and unity in young minds. Such a stimulating environment lets children appreciate first-hand the similarities and celebrate the differences between people from all over the country and the world. They recognize how despite our differences, we are one people, united in our diversity which makes us stronger. Children gain enormous confidence and these are experiences of a lifetime. Instead of being confined to the local reality in Sonepat, children experience a wider reality which has important impact on their whole psychology and on how they relate to each other.